Help & FAQ


We are in the process of developing several informational videos and tutorials to assist you in understanding the web site.  From the basic to the advanced features available, these videos will walk you through the various operations and tools for both listing and searching for your ideal property.


As these video become available, they will be posted to the YouTube channel.


The comparison feature allows searchers to compare multiple property details side-by-side.  There is support for up to three properties to be included in the comparison report and includes a Compare slider panel on the right side of pages that contain the selected properties (as shown below).

There are several ways to add a property to the comparison list.

  • In a property list collection (e.g. View, Search Results, etc.), the icon appears in the overlay button set displayed on the gallery picture.

Compare Overlay Quick Action

  • Within an individual property listing, the icon button appears in the button set displayed before the picture gallery.

Compare Property Header Quick Action

  • After selecting/adding the properties of interest to the comparison panel, selecting the Compare button will display a page with the comparison results.

Comparison Property List

  • The comparison slider panel pull-tab will be present as long as there are properties added to the comparison list and an arrow is visible at all times to open or close the panel.  When no properties are selected, the slider panel arrow does not appear.
Compare List Tab

The utility panel contains several quick-reference sections, including recently viewed properties, featured properties, and a mortgage calculator.  Located on the individual property details page, it is always visible wider screens in panel to the right of the property information area.  However, on smaller screens, it is hidden by default and is accessible by clicking on the small pull-tab on the left side of the page. This tab remains centered vertically on the page, even when scrolling through the property information.

Utility Panel Tab

Clicking on it slides the utility panel open.

Utility Panel

All property images in the various sections of the utility panel overlay the three quick action links; property picture gallery, favorites list addition, and property comparison list inclusion.  The mortgage calculator can be located at the bottom of the panel.

Mortgage Calculator

Clicking anywhere off the panel slides it back into hiding and the small pull-tab reappears.

Registered users have the ability to save searches specifying specific property matching criteria.  Creating a saved search serves results in the following:

  • Reusable – the search is saved in the user profile and can be re-executed at any time with a single click.
  • New Listing Alerts – any new listings created that match your saved search’s criteria results in an e-mail notification being sent for the new listing.

    Note: as long as the search is saved, notifications will be sent.  Delete the search if you do not wish to receive notification e-mails.

The saved search feature is found on the Property Search page, located at the bottom of the search field selection area.

Saved Search Button 


  • A search must first be executed before saving for the filters to be preserved (the results of the executed search are irrelevant for the Save operation).
  • The search must be given a descriptive title of at least five (5) characters.
  • A minimum of three (3) filters must be selected to ensure a manageable result list. It is not practical to save a search without at least 3 filters (location alone involves 2 filters).

Save Search Dialog

With all criteria met, you can save the search and it will then appear in your dashboard under the Searches section.

Profile Saved Searches

Registered users have the ability to save a list of properties that they are interested in referring back to later.  This list is maintained in the user’s dashboard under the Favorites section.  Properties throughout the site can be added to the Favorites list with a single click.

On all site property images there is a quick-action menu that appears when the mouse is moved over the image or when pressed and held on touch-sensitive screens.

Overlay Favorites

When viewing a single property’s details, the quick-action menu found at the top of the image gallery also has the option of adding the property to the Favorites list.

Single Property Favorites

Agents have the ability to request an upgraded status that allows them to provide additional information specific to their realty.  This includes web sites, additional contact info, social platforms, etc.

As an agent, you are included in the Agents page listing and your properties are associated with your agent profile.

To become an agent, you must be registered and logged in to access your profile dashboard., accessed through the user profile dropdown menu in the top right header menu.

Within the profile dashboard, the option to become an agent is available under the main Profile section.

Agent Request Button

Featured properties are given maximum visibility, including first in lists, their own general gallery, and a location-specific gallery.

These higher visibility sections are located on the main site page as well as within the Utility Panel that accompanies several areas of the site.

For a small additional fee, featured status can be purchased with the initial listing or can be added to a standard listing at any time under the Properties section of the user dashboard.

Quick action button sets are located on most site pages.  The button set depends on the page and/or item in focus.

Within areas that display lists of properties, the quick action button set appears on the property images in the form of an overlay.  This button set includes three (3) single-click actions:

  • Photos – view the property’s picture gallery.

    Quick Action Overlay Photos

  • Add to Favorites – save the property in your Favorites section in the user profile dashboard.

    Quick Action Overlay Favorites

  • Compare – add the property to the comparison list.
    Quick Action Overlay Compare

Within the information page of an individual property, the quick action button set is located at the beginning of the property’s details, just above the photo gallery section.

This button set includes four (4) actions:

Quick Action Property

  1. Social Media Sharing – share the property on one of the supported social media platforms or messaging systems listed below.:

    Quick Action Social Media/Sharing

    1. Facebook
    Quick Action Social Media/Sharing - Facebook

    2. X (Twitter)
    Quick Action Social Media/Sharing - X (Twitter)

    3. Pinterest
    Quick Action Social Media/Sharing - Pinterest

    4. WhatsApp
    Quick Action Social Media/Sharing - WhatsApp

  2. Add to Favorites – save the property in your Favorites section in the user profile dashboard.

    Quick Action Add to Favorites

  3. Compare – add the property to the comparison list.

    Quick Action Compare

  4. Print – print an information sheet for property listing.

    Quick Action Print


Properties are categorized under seven distinct types:

  1. Houses/Villas
  2. Apartments/Condominiums
  3. Commercial
  4. Land
  5. Hotels
  6. Bed & Breakfast Rooms
  7. Campgrounds

The type of listing is dependent on the property type.

  • For Sale – any property type can be listed as being For Sale.
  • For Rent – not all property types are listed under the For Rent section.  Typically, these are expected to be long-term rental listings (vs. temporary lodgings).   Therefore, Hotels, Bed & Breakfast Rooms, and Campgrounds do not apply.
  • For Lodging – this is a short-term rental and does not apply to Houses/Villas, Apartments/Condominiums, Commercial, or Land.  Only Hotels, Bed & Breakfast Rooms, and Campgrounds are associated with lodgings.

By design and for several beneficial reasons, each purchased listing stays active for 30-days.  This provides the following benefits to both sides of our client audiences:

  • Minimal Investment (Listing) – Shorter terms allows for a lower pricing strategy and a 30-day period is very applicable to the nature of property management and occupancy in the Dominican Republic with such a large focus on the tourism industry. Also, the renewal process is very quick and easy, requiring only a few clicks and no duplication of effort for the property details.
  • Data Integrity (Searching) – A one-month lifecycle period ensures that properties listed are up-to-date and available – this is one of our unique strengths as a valued service in the real estate industry.  Your time is important! A common practice of many real estate agents and sites is to include outdated listings that are knowingly no longer available, but remain listed to draw interest for lead generation or used as a lure to cross-sell clients on other properties.  Often for clients, this can become time-consuming and futile waste of time and money on their part.

    This “frequent refresh” model is intended to be a deterrent for these practices in the best interest of the consumer.

Each listing allows for 20 images.  There is a 30Mb limit per image, however on the upload, the image will be optimized and resized for the best quality while maintaining a consistent maximum width and height (2048w X 1635h) for the listing’s image gallery.

Images smaller than these sizes are not resized to maintain clarity.

Additionally, a video URL and a 360° image can be provided separately.

When a listing subscription expires, an e-mail notification is sent immediately.

However, users can check their properties’ status and expiration date at any time in their profile dashboard under the Properties  tab.  The expiration status is visually noted by background panel color of the expiration time period;


  • Blue – already expired
  • Red – last day before expiry
  • Yellow – expires within 3 days
  • Green – more than 3 days before expiry

A listing can quickly and easily be renewed only after it has expired and is a single-click process.

Yes.  As a registered user, you have the ability to save searches based on status (Sale, Rent, or Lodging), type (Villa, Condo, Land, etc.), location and bedroom/bathroom counts.  This is found under the Advanced Search page – the Save Search tab appears below the search filter values.

Performing and saving a search with your desired criteria will notify you by e-mail when new listings come on that meet the criteria.  Searches are saved under your profile dashboard and must be deleted to discontinue e-mail notifications.

Important: We reserve the right to delete/cancel searches after a reasonable period of time (6-month limit).  A saved search uses resources and may be deleted after a period of time if they do not appear to be utilized or are causing performance or e-mailer issues.

While there are no regulations preventing a property owner from listing with multiple agents or independents, we do want to avoid the same property being listed multiple times for different prices..  It is the responsibility of the property lister to ensure there is no previous listing for their property before they create the new listing, if there is a potential issue.

There is no definitive way to detect duplicate listings, so we cannot guarantee a listing will appear only once.  Google maps is used for location placement and as a registered user, you can perform and save a search for the key characteristics of a listing that matches your property (general vicinity, number of bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.).  Anytime a property is listed that meets the criteria of your saved search, you will be notified of the listing through e-mail.  This allows you to monitor new listings and possible duplicates of your own.

Should a duplicate be detected and there is an issue (with price differences, exclusivity, etc.), we ask that the parties involved take the initiative to resolve the matter – for everyone’s benefit!

If it involves any issue with copyrights or illegally obtained digital assets on the site, we will become involved through a review with the option of cancelling listings and/or accounts in the most extreme cases.

Any offensive wordings or images are strictly forbidden.  If a listing is detected of such a nature, please contact us immediately to deal with it appropriately.

No.  The information collected for the user registration process is stored securely within our isolated environment.  We do not, nor ever will, share or sell user information unless required for legal or exceptional circumstances.

For a full understanding of the security of users’ personal information, please see our privacy policy.

Navigate to the information page for the property to be printed.  At the top of the page, just above the property image gallery, there is a quick action button set.  The last button is the printing feature.

Quick Action Print


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